Physics 2205: Handouts

HandoutDate Answers and Notes
Introduction 24 Aug
Syllabus 24 Aug
Quiz 1 24 Aug
Quiz 2 26 Augc b d d
Quiz 3 31 Augb d
Quiz 4 9 SepForm A: c c; Form B: a b
Study Guide for Exam 1 21 Sep
Quiz 5 21 SepBoth forms: any* a
Practice for Exam 1 23 Sep
Quiz 6 7 OctForm A: d a; Form B: c b
Quiz 7 19 OctForm A: c c; Form B: a d
Quiz 8 26 OctForm A: b b; Form B: a b
Quiz 9 28 OctForm A: c d; Form B: c c
Study Guide for Exam 2 2 Nov
Practice for Exam 2 4 Nov
Quiz 10 4 NovForm A: b b; Form B: b d
Modifications to Syllabus 9 Nov Web distribution only
Eq'n Sheet for Exam 2 11 Nov
Quiz 11 2 DecForm A: b c, Form B: b a
Study Guide for Exam 3 7 Dec
Practice for Exam 3 7 Dec
Syllabus (as it happened) 7 Dec
Quiz 12 not givenc b
Eq'n Sheet for Exam 3 13 Dec


*On Quiz 5, I didn't intend for problem 1 to be a trick question, but it turned out to be. The answer was supposed to be 2 N, but I forgot to make sure the string wouldn't go slack (it actually would, because the velocity is too slow). So everyone got credit for this one, no matter what they put.

In general, the 8 am section takes Form A, while the 2 pm section takes Form B. Questions from either form might appear on any version of the exam, so you should review all quizzes.


Last modified 11 December, 1999. © Gregory C. Sloan.