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to this page since Aug. 22, 1997
Revised Thu Oct 2 10:42:30 EDT 1997
Ground Rules
Honor Code
By enrolling in this class you have agree to
obey and to support the enforcement of the
Honor Code, which prohibits lying, cheating, or stealing
when these actions involve academic process or
University, student or academic personnel acting in an
official capacity. It is further the responsibility of every
student to abide by the Campus Code; namely, to conduct oneself
so as not to impair significantly the welfare or the educational
opportunities of others in the University community.
Text and Materials
The text is the 4th edition of the COLLEGE PHYSICS
by Serway & Faughn (Saunders, 1995).
The materials are grouped into four sections:
Electricity (15-18) & Magnetism (19-21), Light and Optics (22-25),
Modern Physics (26-30).
Most of materials from chapters 15 to 25 will be covered.
Selected topics in Modern Physics section will not
be covered.
Laboratory Sessions
Each student must register for one laboratory session.
Those do not will be dropped from the class roll.
There is a separate
package of materials for use in the laboratory which must
be purchased in advance of the first lab session.
Exams and Grade
There will be three hour tests
and a final exam.
These will be mixture of multiple-choice questions and
open-end problems. The final grade
is determined by the average of the three
hour tests (45%), the final exam (30%), and the
lab (25%).
Problem Solving
Problem-solving is essential for learning physics.
Approximately 160 problems will be assigned during the
semester. You should keep all of your solutions in
one notebook. Failure of demonstrating that you have attempted
to solve problems may adversely affect you final
grade. Solutions to all assigned problems will be
posted on this this Webpage and the bulletin board
outside the classroom. A copy will also be kept
at the reserve section of the undergraduate library.
Office Hours
I will be generally available to answer questions in my
office (Phillips 250). The best time
is right after the lectures. If you can not find me, make
an appointment.
Electric Force and Electric Fields
Electric Energy and Capacitance
Current and Resistance
Direct Current Circuits
Induced Voltage and Inductance
Alternative Current Circuits and Electromagnetic Waves
Hour Test II, Oct. 9, Wed.
An example:
Answer keys.
The test (notice the different ordering of problems from that
actually given):
Answer keys.
The averag of TestII is 77.2, here is the
Congradulations for the improvment.