Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in NGC 1333

G.C. Sloan, J.D. Bregman, L.J. Allamandola (NASA Ames), T.L. Hayward, B. DeVito (Cornell), T.R. Geballe (Joint Astronomy Centre), C.E. Woodward (Wyoming)

1997, BAAS, 29, 787

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We present narrow-band imaging and long-slit spectroscopy of NGC 1333 in the vicinity of SVS 3, a reflection nebula and source of emission from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). We obtained the 3-4 µm spectroscopy with CGS4 at the 3.8-m UKIRT reflector and the 8-13 µm data with SpectroCam-10 at the 5-m Hale telescope at Palomar. The N/S slit orientation across SVS 3 reveals spatial variations in the strength and shape of the different PAH emission features. The major PAH features at 3.29 and 11.2 µm peak 10" south of SVS 3, while the weaker emission features at 3.40, 3.46, and 3.51 µm show an additional peak further south on a second emission ridge. Surprisingly, the PAH features at 8.6 and 12.7 µm peak closer to SVS 3 than the other features, with the maximum 8.6 µm emission occuring ~6" to the south and the 12.7 µm feature peaking ~8" south.

These variations constrain the molecular geometry of the emitting PAHs, their ionization levels, and the degree of hydrogenation as a function of position within the nebula. This is the first time that this level of discrimination among the various states of the emitters has been possible.

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Last modified 28 May, 2008. © Gregory C. Sloan and others.