A portrait of the artist practicing the "Why are you bothering me now?!" look:
"There was a young man from Esser
Whose knowledge grew lesser and lesser
It at last grew so small
That he knew nothing at all
So now he's a physics professor"
What do you do with a drunken sailor?
What do you do with a drunken sailor?
What do you do with a drunken sailor --
Earlie in the morning?
Put him in charge of an Exxon tanker
Put him in charge of an Exxon tanker
Put him in charge of an Exxon tanker --
Earlie in the morning....
Of course the whole point of the game is education (aka teaching people to think for themselves):
Rules and information for physics graduate students are listed here .
The syllabus for APPL 60/160 (Statics) is here .
The notes for MTSC735 are here .
The syllabus for PHYS 116 (Mechanics) is here .
The syllabus for PHYS 117 (E&M) is here .
The syllabus for PHYS 211 (Intermediate Electromagnetism) is here .
The syllabus for Phys 351 (Analog and Digital Electronics) is here .
The syllabus for Phys 321 (Quantum Mechanics) is here .
The syllabus for APPL 341 (Thermodynamics) is here .
The syllabus for Phys 573 (Intro to Solid State Physics) is here .
The syllabus for Phys 581 (Renewable Electric Power) is here .
The syllabus for Phys 871 (Graduate Solid State Physics) is here .
The syllabus for Appl 471 (Physics of Solid State Devices) is here .
The syllabus for Phys 401 (Classical Mechanics I) is here, and the syllabus for Phys 201 (Basic Mechanics) is here .