Educational Research in Radio Astronomy 2011

National Radio Astronomy Observatory
Green Bank, West Virginia


ERIRA 2011 will take place from Saturday, June 18 to Friday, June 24 (Saturday and Friday are travel days). Applications are due by Monday, April 4, though we may continue to accept applications after this date. Participants will be selected and notified in early May. To apply, fill out the appropriate application, or email me for further information:


Birth Date:

Current Address:

Current Phone Number:

Summer Address:

Summer Phone Number:

Email Address:

How often will you check this email address this summer:

High School:

Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, or Senior:

Anticipated College Major (optional):

List any science and/or technology courses that you have taken or are currently taking:

Describe any computer programming skills that you have (optional):

Write a few paragraphs that describe why you want to participate in this program:

Dan Reichart's Home Page