Laurie E. McNeil--Selected Recent Publications
Organic semiconductors
- Zafrullah Jagoo, Zachary A. Lamport, Oana D. Jurchescu, and L.E. McNeil, “High-photoresponsivity transistors based on small-molecule organic semiconductors,” ACS Applied Electronic Materials 4, 5799-5808 (2022).
- Zafrullah Jagoo, Zachary A. Lamport, Oana D. Jurchescu, and L. E. McNeil, "Efficiency enhancement of organic thin-film phototransistors due to photoassisted charge injection," Applied Physics Letters 119, 073302 (2021).
- Boris Averkiev, Rohan Isaac, Evgheni V. Jucov, Victor N. Khrustalev, Christian Kloc, Laurie E. McNeil, and Tatiana V. Timofeeva, "Evidence of Low-Temperature Phase Transition in Tetracene–Tetracyanoquinodimethane Complex," Crystal Growth & Design 18, 4095-4102 (2018)
- Rohan Isaac, Katelyn P. Goetz, Drew Roberts, Oana D. Jurchescu, and L. E. McNeil “Temperature-dependent vibrational spectroscopy to study order-disorder transitions in charge transfer complexes,” AIP Advances 8, 025117 (2018).
- Derek Vermeulen, Nathan Corbin, Katelyn P. Goetz, Oana D. Jurchescu, Veaceslav Coropceanu, and L. E. McNeil, "Electron-phonon coupling in anthracene-pyromellitic dianhydride," J. Chem. Phys. 146, 214705 (2017).
- A. Fonari, N.S. Corbin, D. Vermeulen, K.P. Goetz, O.D. Jurchescu, L.E. McNeil, J.L. Bredas, and V. Coropceanu, "Vibrational properties of organic donor-acceptor molecular crystals: Anthracene-pyromellitic-dianhydride (PMDA) as a case study,"J. Chem. Phys. 143, 224503 (2015).
- Peng Hu, Lin Ma, Ke Jie Tan, Hui Jiang, Fengxia Wei, Chuhuan Yu, Katelyn Goetz, Oana Jurchescu, Laurie McNeil, Gagik Gurzadyan, Christian Kloc, "Solvent-Dependent Stoichiometry in Perylene - 7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane Charge Transfer Compound Single Crystals," Crystal Growth and Design 14, 6376-6382 (2014).
- K. P. Goetz, A. Fonari, D. Vermeulen, P. Hu, H. Jiang, P. J. Diemer, J. W. Ward, M. E. Payne, C. S. Day, C. Kloc, V. Coropceanu, L. E. McNeil, O. D. Jurchescu, "Freezing in orientational disorder induces crossover from thermally-activated to temperature-independent transport in organic semiconductors," Nature Communications 5, 5642 (2014).
- D. Vermeulen, L. Y. Zhu, K. P. Goetz, Hu Peng, Jiang Hui, C.S. Day, O. D. Jurchescu, V. Coropceanu, C. Kloc, L. E. McNeil, "Charge transport properties of perylene-TCNQ crystals: The effect of stoichiometry," J. Phys. Chem. C 118, 24688-24696 (2014).
- Katelyn P. Goetz, Derek Vermeulen, Margaret E. Payne, Christian Kloc, Laurie E. McNeil, and Oana D. Jurchescu, "Charge-Transfer Complexes: New Perspectives on an Old Class of Compounds," J. Mat. Chem. C 2, 3065-3076 (2014).
- Hui Jiang, Keke Zhang, Jun Ye, Fengxia Wei, Peng Hu, Jun Guo, Chunyong Liang, Xiaodong Chen, Yang Zhao, Laurie McNeil, Wenping Hu, and Christian Kloc, "Atomically-Flat, Large-Sized, Two-Dimensional Organic Nanocrystals," Small 9, 990-995 (2013).
Other topics
- Laurie E. McNeil, "2025 Jackson Award for Excellence in Graduate Physics Education lecture: There is more to graduate education than is found in Jackson's book" American Journal of Physics 93, 210-214 (2025).
- Britta R. Gorman and L.E. McNeil, “Effect of polymerization on free water in polyacrylamide hydrogels observed with Brillouin spectroscopy” Soft Matter 20, 5164 - 5173 (2024)
- Brandon T. Yost, Bradley Gibbons, Addison Wilson, Amanda J. Morris and L.E. McNeil, "Vibrational spectroscopy investigation of defects in Zr- and Hf-UiO-66," RSC Advances 12, 224402 (2022).
- David P. Smith, Laurie E. McNeil, David T. Guynn, Alice D. Churukian, Duane L. Deardorff, and Colin S. Wallace, "Transforming the content, pedagogy and structure of an introductory physics course for life sciences majors," American Journal of Physics 86, 862 (2018).
- Laurie McNeil and Paula Heron, “Preparing physics students for 21st-century careers,” Physics Today 70 (11), 39 (2017).
- Kelly A. Hogan, Jennifer Krumper, Laurie E. McNeil and Michael T. Crimmins, "Advancing Evidence-Based Teaching in Gateway Science Courses Through a Mentor-Apprentice Model," in Transforming Institutions: Undergraduate STEM Education for the 21st Century, edited by Gabriela C. Weaver, Wilella D. Burgess, Amy L. Childress and Linda Slakey (Purdue University Press, West Lafayette, IN 2016) pp. 77-89.
- Alice D. Churukian and Laurie E. McNeil, "Joining hands to establish a teacher training program: An example from a major research university," in Recruiting and Educating Future Physics Teachers: Case Studies and Effective Practices, edited by C. Sandifer and E. Brewe (American Physical Society, College Park, MD, 2015), pp. 275-282.
- Aina Mardia Aznan, A Safwan, Zanariah Abdullah, Trupta Kaulgud, Hadi Arman, Mathew Mahindaratne, Laurie McNeil, Edward Tiekink, "Postsynthetic Metathesis in an All Organic Two Dimensional Array Mediated by Hydrogen Bonding," Crystal Growth and Design 14, 5794-5800 (2014).
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