Answers to Problem Set 1


You can find answers to the odd-numbered problems in the back of your text. But for the even numbered problems:

1-14. A total of 1.1 x 103 acre-feet fell.

1-16. a) 1 AU = 4.85 x 10-6 pc = 1.58 x 10-5 ly; b) 1 pc = 1.91 x 1013 miles; 1 ly = 5.87 x 1012 miles.

2-58. Yes, there's a collision. The trains require 1000 m clearance to stop without hitting.

2-68. a) vo = 3.70 m/s b) v = 1.74 m/s c) y = 0.70 m, which is 0.16 m higher

2-82. How about 95 g's? Ouch.

3-32. This is a proof, and since I don't like the solution on the CD, I'd do it like this:

Set c = a + b and d = a - b. Since c and d are perpendicular, their dot product is zero. Do the dot product by component, setting each component equal to the sum or difference (e.g. cx = ax + bx) and work out the result. You should wind up with ax2 + ay2 = bx2 + by2, which can only be true if |a| = |b|.


Last modified 7 February, 2000. © Gregory C. Sloan.