Physics 2305: Lectures and Recitation Sections

If you are in one of the following sections of Physics 2305, then your lecturer is Dr. Sloan.

Section Lecture Recitation SectionRecitation TA
4122MWF8 amW11 am Joseph Santoro
4123"""12 pm "
4124""" 1 pm "
4134MWF1 pmM 8 am Dan Mazilu
4135""" 9 am "
4136"""10 am "
4146MWF4 pmM 5 pm Dan Mazilu
4147""" 6 pm "
4148""" 7 pm "

All lectures will meet in Robeson 210.
All recitation sections will meet in Robeson 101.

How to contact Dan Mazilu

Recitation sections: M 8-11 am, 5-8 pm
Office hours: TBA

Dan will be in Robeson 201 during his office hours, but you are more likely to find him in his lab. (Rob. 6) the rest of the time.

How to contact Joseph Santoro

Recitation sections: W 11 am - 2 pm
Office hours: T 1-2 pm, Th 2-3 pm (tentative)
Office: Robeson 216B
Phone: 231-5575 email:


Last modified 18 January, 2000. © Gregory C. Sloan.