Physics 2305: Exam 4 Results

Answer keys are below As usual, letter grades assigned to exams are for comparative purposes only; they aren't used to determine final course grades.

How do you get your exam back?

You have three options

What about normalization?

I added 3 points to the scores for forms A and C to correct for a lower average compared to forms B and D. This is the first time this semester that such a step was necessary.


Std Dev:17.7
A 29
B 69
D 15
F 17

Answers to multiple-choice questions

Form AForm B Form CForm D
1. DD BC
2. CB AB
3. BC DA
4. AA DC
5. DA DC
6. DA BA
7. DB CC
8. CB CC
9. BC CC
10.BC BC
11.CA DB
12.AB AB
13.BA DA
14.CC CC

Answers to free-form questions

The gravitron
a) v = 2 pi r / T = 12.6 m/s (Forms A,C) or 9.8 m/s (Forms B,D);
b) Your diagram should have mg down, force of friction up, and the normal force pointing to the center of the gravitron; there should be no force labelled "ma" or "mv2/r";
c) mu = gr/v2 = 0.19 (A,C) or 0.25 (B,D).

The bowling ball
a) K = (7/10) mv2;
b) L = (7v2)/(10 g sin theta) = 0.78 m (Form A) or 1.06 m (Form B).

The nickel in the bowl
a) K = (3/4) mv2;
b) v = (4gh/3)1/2 = 1.5 m/s (Form C) or 1.8 m/s (Form D).

a) QV = 11.3 MJ (Form A) or 9.02 MJ (Form C) leaving 0.52 MJ (A) or 2.8 MJ (C) for the rest of the problem;
b) Tf = Ti + Qleft/n Cp = 427 K (A) or 749 K (C) (note that Cp = 4R);
c) W = Qleft - DEint = n Cp DT - n Cv DT = 0.125 MJ (A) or 0.70 MJ (C) (Cv = 3R).

a) n = (piVi) / (RTi) = 12.15 moles (Form B) or 15.0 moles (Form D);
b) Tf = Ti + Qleft/n Cp = 330 K (B) or 324 K (D) (Cp = 3.5 R);
c) W = Q - DEint = n Cv DT = 3.0 kJ (both forms) (Cv = 2.5 R).


Last modified 11 May, 2000. © Gregory C. Sloan.