Physics 2305: Exam 3 Results

As usual, letter grades assigned to exams are for comparitive purposes only; they aren't used to determine final course grades.

Answer keys are below
Std Dev:19.9
A 34
B 58
C 87
D 36
F 22

Answers to multiple-choice questions

Form AForm B Form CForm D
1. AC BD
2. BD CC
3. AC CD
4. DB AC
5. DB CB
6. AB AC
7. BA DA
8. BC BC

Answers to free-form questions

The asteroid
a) F(r) = - k r, where k = (4 pi/3) G rho m;
b) F = ma, so we get the differential equation m d2r/dt2 = - k r, which has a solution of the form r = ro cos (omega t + phi), which is S.H.M.;
c) T = 2 pi [3/(4 pi G rho)]1/2 and t = T/2 = 1.00 h (Forms A,C) or 0.92 h (Forms B,D).

Arnold and the balloons
a) Fnet = (rhoA - rhoHe) g = 1.089 N;
b) N = mg/Fnet = 99 (Form A) or 86 (Form C).

The blimps and the truck
a) Fnet = (rhoA - rhoHe) g - meg = 2.93 x 105 N;
b) N = mg/Fnet = 3 (Form B) or 4 (Form D).


Last modified 28 April, 2000. © Gregory C. Sloan.