Physics 2305: Administrative Issues


Office Hours

Mondays and Wednesdays, 2-4 pm
Wednesday 9:30-10:30 am

If my office hours aren't suitable, we can also meet by appointment. You are also welcome to stop by unannounced, but don't be disappointed if I'm out of my office briefly or if I can't talk for long at that moment. Good times to find me: between classes Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Bad times to find me: Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Extra Sessions

Help session scheduled for Wed. 22 March, 7 pm, Robeson 105

Homework Procedure

My apologies if these rules and penalties seem a little harsh. But please remember that with nearly 300 homeworks submitted each week, we must all do what we can to get them graded smoothly and efficiently.


The lab portion of this course is administered separately. See the Phys. 2305 Physics Lab webpage for more details. But don't forget that for every lab you fail to take, your final course grade will be reduced by one-third of a letter grade. In spring 1999, 7 students failed the course for this reason.


How to print these pages? The color scheme chosen here may look nice on the screen, but it will make most printers very unhappy, so before printing a page, do the following:

In Netscape, go to Edit - Preferences - Colors, set text to black, background to white, and check the box to override the colors specified in the document. Now print! Should look much nicer.

In Microsoft Internet Explorer, go to View - Internet Options - General. First go to Colors and click off Use Windows Colors, set text to black, background to white. Then go to Accessibility and click on Ignore colors specified on Web Pages. Funny how everything is more complicated when using Microsoft products...

Note: Solutions to assigned problems cannot be printed (we have to obey copyright laws).

University Deadlines

DateDeadline for
21 Janadding a course
25 Febdropping a course
10 Marresigning from the university


Last modified 22 March, 2000. © Gregory C. Sloan.