Physics 174: Quiz 22 - 2 May 07

1. Planetary systems around which of the following stars would be good places to look for single-celled life?

a. A 2 solar mass star.
b. A 20 solar mass star.
c. A 1.5 solar mass star.
d. A 0.5 solar mass star.
e. Both c and d.

2. Planetary systems around which of the following stars would be good places to look for multi-celled life?

a. A 5 solar mass star.
b. A 20 solar mass star.
c. A 1.5 solar mass star.
d. A 0.5 solar mass star.
e. Both c and d.

3. Which of the following would be most likely to have terrestrial planets in their habitable zone?

a. A 3 solar-mass star composed of just H and He.
b. A single star with 2 solar masses.
c. A close binary system with two 1.5 solar-mass stars.
d. A single star with 0.5 solar masses.
a. A close binary system with two 0.5 solar-mass stars.

4. So you've found a terrestrial exoplanet. Spectral evidence of which of the following would be strong evidence of life?

a. Water vapor.
b. Oxygen and/or ozone.
c. Carbon dioxide.
d. Methane.
e. None of the above.

5. Now you've got a terrestrial exoplanet with life. What's the easiest way to search for civilization?

a. Look for lights on the night side.
b. Look for spectral evidence of pollution.
c. Search for radio signals.
d. Send a robotic probe.
e. Go there in person and abduct some of them.


Last modified 4 May, 2007. © Gregory C. Sloan.