Physics 174: Quiz 20 - 25 Apr 07

Answers are in blue.

1. Which bottle is hotter?

a. The one on the left.
b. The one on the right.
c. They are the same temperature.
d. There's no way to know without touching them.
e. I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy.

2. How many fingers are being held up?

a. One.
b. Two.
c. Three.
d. Four.
e. Five.

3. What will the infrared camera see after the light bulb has been turned off?

a. The filament will get brighter.
b. The filament will stay bright indefinitely.
c. The filament will fade slowly.
d. The filament will get dark in the infrared as quickly as in the visible.
e. Insert slightly humorous but incorrect response here.

4. If a fire engine is approaching you, what happens to the sound waves produced by its siren?

a. Nothing. Wavelength is unchanged - no shift.
b. The waves are stretched, making the wavelengths longer - red shift.
c. The waves are compressed, shortening the wavelengths - blue shift.
d. The engine runs over and flattens the waves - flat shift.
e. None of the above.

5. What happens to the light from a planet alternatively moving away from and toward us as it orbits a star?

a. We see only a blue shift.
b. We see only a red shift.
c. The spectrum oscillates between a blue shift and a red shift.
d. We see a purple shift.
e. What's a flat shift, anyway?


Last modified 29 April, 2007. © Gregory C. Sloan.