Physics 174: Quiz 14 - 4 Apr 07

Answers are in blue.

1. Jupiter has 55 moons orbiting outside Callisto. What suggests they are captured asteroids?

a. Most have eccentric orbits.
b. Most of their orbits have significant inclinations.
c. Most have retrograde orbits.
d. They resemble typical small asteroids.
e. All of the above.

2. Which statement about the Great Dark Spot is false?

a. It is on Neptune.
b. It is an anticyclone, like the Great Red Spot.
c. It eats other cloud features, like the Great Red Spot.
d. It is a long-lasting storm system, like the Great Red Spot.
e. All of the above are true.

3. Using crater counts, rank Titan, Tethys, and Dione from oldest to youngest surface.

a. Titan - Tethy - Dione.
b. Titan - Dione - Tethys.
c. Tethys - Dione - Titan.
d. Dione - Titan - Tethys.
e. Dione - Tethys - Titan.

4. Using crater counts, what can you say about the surface of Enceladus?

a. The entire surface is old.
b. The entire surface is young.
c. The upper left is older than the lower right.
d. The upper left is younger than the lower right.
e. None of the above.

5. Which of the Galilean satellites does Enceladus most closely resemble?

a. Io.
b. Europa.
c. Ganymede.
d. Callisto.
e. Umbriel.


Last modified 17 April, 2007. © Gregory C. Sloan.