Physics 174: Quiz 15 - 6 Apr 07

1. Astronomers probe the interiors of Jovian worlds by considering ...

a. density.
b. oblateness.
c. rotation period.
d. magnetic field strength.
e. All of the above.

2. What is the source of the most powerful magnetic field in the Solar System outside of the Sun's?

a. Earth.
b. Jupiter.
c. Saturn.
d. Cometary debris.
e. Those pesky aliens on Iapetus.

3. Which of the following jovian worlds have no rings around them?

a. Jupiter.
b. Saturn.
c. Uranus.
d. Neptune.
e. None of the above; they all have rings.

4. The structure seen in the rings of Saturn results from ...

a. orbital resonances with the moons.
b. interactions with Saturn's magnetic field.
c. tidal interactions with Saturn's atmosphere.
d. All of the above.
e. None of the above.

5. What is the Roche limit?

a. The maximum number of insects that can live in someone's kitchen.
b. The maximum rotation rate of a jovian world.
c. The minimum gravity for a world to be spherical.
d. The minimum distance from a planet before tidal forces tear a world apart.
e. None of the above.


Last modified 17 April, 2007. © Gregory C. Sloan.