Physics 174: Quiz 14 - 4 Apr 07

Answers are in blue.

1. By mass, the dominant components of Jupiter are ...

a. iron and nickel.
b. silicates and other rock.
c. hydrogen and helium.
d. simple molecules like methane, ammonia, and water vapor.
e. ices composed of hydrocarbons.

The radius of Jupiter (71,500 km) is measured to the cloud tops. Where is the surface?

a. 10 km below the cloud tops.
b. 100 km below the cloud tops.
c. 20,000 km below the cloud tops.
d. 60,000 km below the cloud tops.
e. Jupiter has no surface.

Jupiter ...

a. is in radiative equilibrium, emitting what it absorbs.
b. absorbs more than it emits; the excess is dissipated magnetically.
c. emits more than it absorbs; the excess is released by gravitational contraction.
d. magnetizes more than it gravitates.
e. None of the above.

4. Saturn's butterscotch atmosphere is less colorful than Jupiter's because ...

a. of a thicker haze above the cloud tops.
b. it rotates more slowly.
c. there is no nitrogen gas (N2).
d. the chemical composition of the clouds differs.
e. the aliens on Iapetus hate bright colors.

5. Which statement about the Great Dark Spot is false?

a. It is on Neptune.
b. It is an anticyclone, like the Great Red Spot.
c. It eats other cloud features, like the Great Red Spot.
d. It is a long-lasting storm system, like the Great Red Spot.
e. All of the above are true.


Last modified 17 April, 2007. © Gregory C. Sloan.