Physics 174: Quiz 13 - 2 Apr 07

1. Phobos and Deimos, the moons of Mars, most likely ...

a. formed in a disk around Mars.
b. were ejected from Mars in the impact that formed the Hellas basin.
c. are captured asteroids.
d. are burned out comets.
e. were left by the forgetful aliens who made the face and pyramids.

2. The Barringer Crater in Arizona formed from ...

a. a collapsed copper mine.
b. the impact of a cometary nucleus.
c. the impact of a piece of the moon.
d. the impact of a piece of an asteroid.
e. a volcanic eruption.

3. The most common meteorite to fall to Earth consists of ...

a. iron and other heavy metals.
b. silicates and other stony materials.
c. cometary and other icy debris.
d. hydrogen and helium.
e. green cheese.

4. The most common meteorite found on the Earth consists of ...

a. iron and other heavy metals.
b. silicates and other stony materials.
c. cometary and other icy debris.
d. hydrogen and helium.
e. blue cheese.

5. The Kirkwood Gaps are caused by ...

a. instabilities in the proto-solar disk.
b. orbital instabilities at high eccentricities.
c. orbital instabilities at high inclinations.
d. orbital interactions with the largest asteroids.
e. orbital resonances with Jupiter.


Last modified 3 April, 2007. © Gregory C. Sloan.