Physics 174: Quiz 11 - 26 Mar 07

1. Which method has not been used to study the surface of Venus?

a. Infrared imaging.
b. Surface landers.
c. Radar imaging.
d. All of the above have been used.
e. None of the above have been used.

2. Which of the following has been observed on Venus and is evidence of geologic activity?

a. A lack of large craters.
b. Volcanoes.
c. Maxwell Montes and other mountains.
d. Coronae and pancake domes.
e. All of the above.

3. Which terrestrial world has the strongest magnetic field?

a. Mercury.
b. Venus.
c. Earth.
d. The Moon.
e. Mars.

4. What are the canale on Mars?

a. Ancient river systems observable from Earth.
b. Large rift valleys.
c. Canals used by Martians for irrigation.
d. Optical illusions.
e. None of the above.

5. The internal temperature of a terrestrial world is proportional to its radius because ... is proportional to radius.

a. mass
b. surface temperature
c. volume
d. surface area
e. volume divided by surface area


Last modified 28 March, 2007. © Gregory C. Sloan.