Physics 174: Quiz 10 - 23 Mar 07

1. Which terrestrial world has the most active plate tectonics?

a. Mercury.
b. Venus.
c. Earth.
d. The Moon.
e. Mars.

2. The giant volcano known as Olympus Mons is found on ...

a. Mercury.
b. Venus.
c. Earth.
d. The Moon.
e. Mars.

3. What is the dominant greenhouse gas in the atmosphere of Venus?

a. Hydrogen (H2).
b. Methane (CH4).
c. Ammonia (NH3).
d. Water vapor (H2O).
e. Carbon Dioxide (CO2).

4. What is the dominant greenhouse gas in the atmosphere of Earth?

a. Hydrogen (H2).
b. Methane (CH4).
c. Ammonia (NH3).
d. Water vapor (H2O).
e. Carbon Dioxide (CO2).

5. Earth's atmosphere was once like Venus'. What happened to the CO2?

a. It escaped into space.
b. It was absorbed by the oceans and processed by plant life.
c. It is trapped as dry ice at the poles.
d. It decayed radioactively.
e. Wealthy capitalists bought it and are hoarding it.


Last modified 28 March, 2007. © Gregory C. Sloan.