Physics 174: Quiz 5 - 9 Feb 07

Answers are in blue.

1. The use of epicycles and deferents explained which aspect of planetary motion that the homocentric spheres of Eudoxus couldn't?

a. Planetary motion can be direct or retrograde.
b. Retrograde loops of superior planets occur at opposition.
c. Superior planets are brightest when in retrograde.
d. The Sun and Moon have only direct motion.
e. None of the above.

2. In Aristotle's world view, the heavens ...

a. were perfect.
b. were pure.
c. were eternal.
d. moved on rotating spheres.
e. All of the above.

3. Your text says little of Aristarchus. He ...

a. estimated the relative sizes of the Earth and Moon.
b. estimated the relative distances of the Sun and Moon from the Earth.
c. estimated the relative sizes of the Sun and Moon from their distances and angular sizes.
d. put the Sun at the center of the Solar System.
e. All of the above.

4. Eratosthenes is remembered for ...

a. the first Sun-centered model of the Solar System.
b. conquering Persia.
c. discovering gravity.
d. measuring the circumference of the Earth.
e. All of the above.

5. Copernicus' book, published as he died, is entitled ...

a. Sidereus Nuncius.
b. De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium.
c. Mathematical Syntaxis (later called The Almagest).
d. Astronomia Nova.
e. Iway Amway Utsnay.


Last modified 17 February, 2007. © Gregory C. Sloan.