Physics 174: Quiz 2 - 26 Jan 07

Answers are in blue.

1. In the text, Windows on Science 2-5 discusses scientific evidence. Which of the following points does that section make?

a. A theory must be consistent with the evidence.
b. Lawyers only have to consider evidence supporting their case.
c. Scientists should consider all the evidence.
d. Scientists don't always agree about the validity of some evidence.
e. All of the above.

2. Section 4-1 in the text discusses archeoastronomy. Which sites does it describe?

a. Stonehenge.
b. Newgrange.
c. The Sun Dagger at Chaco Canyon in New Mexico.
d. All of the above.
e. None of the above.

3. What questions drove the need for astronomy in the ancient world?

a. When do we plant our crops?
b. When do the floods come?
c. When should we hold festivals to keep the gods happy?
d. Can we predict happenings in the sky?
e. All of the above.

4. Where does the Sun rise each day, as seen from Ithaca?

a. Exactly in the east.
b. In the northeast.
c. In the southeast.
d. Generally in the east, but it depends on the date.
e. None of the above.

5. In Ithaca, how high does the Sun get each day?

a. Directly overhead.
b. Directly overhead, but only on the summer solstice.
c. To an altitude of 42° (because that is Ithaca's latitude).
d. The maximum altitude of the Sun in Ithaca depends on the date.
e. None of the above.


Last modified 17 February, 2007. © Gregory C. Sloan.