Physics 174: Administrative Issues


Contact Information

Office Hours

Lectures are MWF 2-3 pm

Office hours:

I will be in my office on the Ithaca College campus at the following times:
MWF 1-2 pm
MW  3-4 pm

I work full-time at Cornell University, and as a result will only be on the Ithaca College campus on the days of lecture at the above times. Feel free to visit.

Exercise Procedure

My apologies if these rules and penalties seem a little harsh. But please remember that with nearly 100 students submitting exercises, we must all do what we can to get them graded smoothly and efficiently.

Late policy:

Submission format: Students must adhere to the following guidelines. Each violation will result in a 10% penalty.

Academic Honesty

All students are expected to follow the two links below, read them, understand them, and abide by them. Students will be quizzed on this material.

Student Conduct Code

Standards of Academic Conduct

Ithaca College Deadlines

DateDeadline for
28 Janadding or dropping a course
9 Febthe S/D/F option
6 Aprwithdrawing with a "W"
6 Aprrevoking the S/D/F option


How to print these pages? If you're not happy with how these pages print, you should modify the color scheme on your browser and try again.

In Netscape, go to Edit - Preferences - Colors, set text to black, background to white, and check the box to override the colors specified in the document. Now print! Should look much nicer.

In Microsoft Internet Explorer, go to View - Internet Options - General. First go to Colors and click off Use Windows Colors, set text to black, background to white. Then go to Accessibility and click on Ignore colors specified on Web Pages. Funny how everything is more complicated when using Microsoft products...


Last modified 24 January, 2007. © Gregory C. Sloan.