Physics 2205: End-of-October Grade Report

By now, you've received email regarding your grades as they stand at the end of October (i.e. before Exam 2). The grades are based on

The '+' and '-' at the end of your letter grade do not translate into the '+' and '-' grades you will receive at the end of the semester. Instead, I've used the signs to indicate which students are close to the next higher letter grade, or in danger of getting the next lower letter grade (hence the 'F+'). So, for example, 'A' means either 'A' or 'A-', while 'A-' means maybe an 'A-', but possibly a 'B+'.

I'll send out similar reports after Exam 2 is graded.

Some statistics: 147 students are still enrolled (although 2 have been missing in action starting before Exam 1). The mean average for the class is 60.7, and the median is close by, at 62.7. Both of these scores correspond approximately to a high C.

The breakdown:

Gradecut-offno. of students
A-79.7318 A's
B70.02236 B's
C51.74060 C's
D40.0721 D's
F0.0912 F's


Last modified 27 October, 1999. © Gregory C. Sloan.