Physics 2205: Administrative issues

Office Hours

InstructorDr. Sloan T 0930-1030
T 1530-1630
H 0930-1030
Rob. 324A
Mr. Hyde M 1130-1230
F 1130-1230
Rob. 216B
Common Office
Mr. Schroeder T 1430-1730
W 1130-1330
Rob. 216D

Additional Common Office Hours

Keep in mind that all of these times are subject to change.

If my office hours aren't suitable, we can also meet by appointment. I'll usually be around Monday afternoons, and in between classes Tuesday and Thursday. Just email me or set up a time if you want to be sure to find me. You're welcome just to stop by unannounced, but you may not be able to find me.

Extra Sessions

Help sessionMonday, 7 pmRob. 105
Calculus sessionMonday, 3 pmPamplin 2001

The help session is for those students who want additional instruction or have questions we didn't address in class.

Cadets enrolled in Section 8088 must attend the calculus session. The time is fixed for Mondays at 3 pm, and we now have Pamplin 2001 reserved for the semester.


How to print these pages? The color scheme chosen here may look nice on the screen, but it will make most printers very unhappy, so before printing a page, do the following:

In Netscape, go to Edit - Preferences - Colors, set text to black, background to white, and check the box to override the colors specified in the document. Now print! Should look much nicer.

In Microsoft Internet Explorer, go to View - Internet Options - General. First go to Colors and click off Use Windows Colors, set text to black, background to white. Then go to Accessibility and click on Ignore colors specified on Web Pages. Funny how everything is more complicated when using Microsoft products...

Note: Solutions to assigned problems cannot be printed (we have to obey copyright laws).


The lab portion of this course is administered completely separately.
See the
Phys. 2215 Physics Lab webpage.

University Deadlines

DateDeadline for
27 Augadding a course
1 Octdropping a course
15 Octresigning from the university
19 Novrescheduling a final


Last modified 3 September, 1999. © Gregory C. Sloan.