Calibration issues with data from the ISO-SWS

G.C. Sloan (Boston College), K.E. Kraemer (National Research Council), S.D. Price (Air Force Research Lab.)

2003, in The Calibration Legacy of the ISO Mission, ed. L. Metcalfe, A. Salama, S.B. Peschke, & M.F. Kessler, 487

Some calibration problems remain in the data from the Short Wavelength Spectrometer (SWS) aboard the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO). We illustrate how these issues affect scientific use of SWS data, in particular our effort to create a uniform database of mid-infrared spectra. Important outstanding issues include (1) efforts to correct for a variation in dark current during a scan; (2) the relation of a wavelength shift in the responsivity correction to artifacts in the data; (3) discontinuities in flux from one spectral band to the next; (4) residual fringing effects; and (5) the identification and correction for glitches in the data and its effect on later stages of processing.

The full article as it appears in the conference proceedings is available in PS format (962 kbyte), or PDF (620 kbyte).

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