Classification of all 2.4-45.2 µm spectra from the Infrared Space Observatory Short Wavelength Spectrometer

K.E. Kraemer (Air Force Research Lab, Boston Univ.), G.C. Sloan (Boston College, Cornell), S.D. Price (Air Force Research Lab.)

2001, BAAS, 33, 1493

We present a a comprehensive system of spectral classification for spectra from the Short Wavelength Spectrometer (SWS) of the Infrared Space Observatory. Almost 1250 spectra from over 900 objects were observed in full-grating-scan mode (SWS01, 2.4--45.2 µm) with the SWS. Sources are assigned to groups based on the overall shape of the spectral energy distribution (SED). The groups include (1) naked stars, (2) dusty stars, (3) warm dust shells, (4) cool dust shells, (5) very red sources such as H II regions and planetary nebulae, and (6) sources with emission lines but no detected continuum. These groups are further divided into subgroups based on spectral features that shape the SED such as carbon-rich dust emission, silicate absorption, ice absorption, and fine-structure or recombination lines. Most sources which had spectral classifications from the Infrared Astronomical Satellite Low Resolution Spectrometer are in similar categories based on their SWS spectra. Where discrepancies occur, e.g, in carbon- vs. oxygen-rich, the SWS classification should take precedence because of the larger bandpass, higher resolution (spectral and angular), and greater sensitivity of SWS. Caveats regarding the data and data reduction, and biases intrinsic to the database, are discussed. Systematics in the SWS database should not affect the classifications by more than a subgroup in most cases.

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