IRS Technical Reports

IRS-TR 03001: Spectral Pointing-Induced Throughput Error
IRS-TR 03002: New Transmission Functions for the IRS Modules
IRS-TR 03003: Correcting for Spectral Pointing-Induced Throughput Error

IRS-TR 04001: Trends in Photoresponse and Read Noise through IRS Campaign 5
IRS-TR 04002: Discontinuities between the Low-Resolution Modules on the IRS
IRS-TR 04003: Artifacts in the Spectra of Bright Sources
IRS-TR 04004: The Slope-Fitting Problem in the Data Reduction Pipeline

IRS-TR 04005: Using Orthogonal Slits to Investigate Spectral Discontinuities
IRS-TR 04006: The Double-Star Experiment and Pointing to Short-Low Order 1
IRS-TR 04007: Measuring the Precision of Reconstructed Pointing

IRS-TR 05001: Detector Substrate Voltage and Focal Plane Temperature of the LH Module
IRS-TR 05002: Improving the Wavelength Calibration of Short-Low and Long-Low

IRS-TR 06001: Correcting Spectral Pointing-Induced Throughput Error in Short-Low Order 1

IRS-TR 11001: Temporal Responsivity Variations on the Red Peak-Up Sub-Array (arXiv 1108.0907)
IRS-TR 11002: Calibration of the Acquisition Images from the Red Peak-Up Sub-Array (arXiv 1108.0919)

IRS-TR 12001: Spectral Pointing-Induced Throughput Error and Spectral Shape in Short-Low Order 1 (arXiv 1212.4843)
IRS-TR 12002: Constructing a Short-Low Truth Spectrum of the Standard Star HR 6348 (arXiv 1212.4850)
IRS-TR 12003: Constructing Low-Resolution Truth Spectra of the Standard Stars HR 6348 and HD 173511 (arXiv 1212.6269)


Last modified 5 February, 2015. © The IRS Team.