
S16 pipeline output (to calibrate S17 LL)
HR 7341 (K1 III)

S15 pipeline output
HR 6348 (K0 III)
HD 166780 (K4 III)
HD 173511 (K5 III)

S13 pipeline output
HR 6348 (K0 III)
HD 166780 (K4 III)
HD 173511 (K5 III)

Lo-res calibration images (tarred) (these are for the SSC pipeline version S11.0)

IRS Tools

The spfits package (tarred, updated 6 Feb, 2006)
imdiff.pro (updated 4 Aug, 2005)
ipac2fits.pro - IPAC table to spectral FITS
yar2fits.pro - YAAAR-compatible FITS table file to spectral FITS fits2yar.pro - the other direction


This software is available as imclean from Cornell, but irsclean, an upgraded version with a GUI and more powerful features for generating rogue masks is now available from the SSC.
The imclean package, v2.1 (tarred, updated 5 Dec, 2005)
The irsclean page, maintained by Jim Ingalls at the SSC.

File naming conventions

Filter Functions

Data fileZero-mag flux (Jy)
IRAC 5.8 um115.0
IRAC 8.0 um64.13
MIPS 24 um7.30
MSX Band A (8.28 um) 58.5


Last modified 14 March, 2008. © The IRS Team.