Recommended Calibration Sources for the IRS

Updated spectral templates

The following three templates for our favorite K giants have been scaled to the 22 um peak-up photometry and recalibrated using alpha Lac (with a bit of smoothing to avoid the artifacts introduced by the atomic lines).

Alpha Lac

Because I am constantly having to refer to our three favored K giants, I have given them nicknames to use in telecons: Fred for HR 6348, Gary for HD 166780, and Harlow for HD 173511.

Current Calibration (as of January, 2005)

SL - HR 6348

Using HR 6348 avoids the problems of the atomic H lines in A dwarfs and the deeper SiO bands in later K giants.

LL - HR 6348, HD 166780, HD 173511

The SiO band is in SL, so here it's best just to co-add spectral corrections made from ALL of the AORs from our favorite three K giants.

SH - ksi Dra

A word of caution here: With S10.5 data, the nonlinearities make it more desirable to use a combination of all HR 6348, HD 166780, and HD 173511 data, as the final calibration is different by roughly 10%. I have not yet investigated the S11.0 SH data, but I expect that this problem is now solved.

LH - ksi Dra

Only ksi Dra gives us adequate S/N.

I have not updated the template for ksi Dra. Yet.


Last modified 25 January, 2005. © The IRS Team.