Extraction and calibration for S14 data: 1. Set up the directory structure for Campaign NN (01, etc) chmod /home/ioc/campaign_NN (edit NN) mkdir IRS_070_14 chmod 775 IRS_070_14 cd IRS_070_14 cp /home/ioc/campaign_01/IRS_070_14/setup.bat . setup.bat cp ../IRS_070_13/target.lst . If an old target.lst is not available, then create a new one in step 2 below. 2. Create target.lst file, in this example Camp. 1, S14.0 pipeline version The output must be edited to have the form delumi calsfx_1A_delUmi 8244224 8245760 8246016 8246272 8246528 i.e. all AORkeys for a given target on one line. qdb "select object,' ',aorname,' ',aorkey from onlinedata where expid=0 and dcenum=0 and subdir~'01-14.0' and aorname~'calsfx-1'" | sort | uniq > target.lst (This step is currently done for IRS_070_14 directories using the last command in the sequence for Step 1 above.) 3.a. Generate the file list: file.lst qdb "select subdir,localfile,' ',fovid from onlinedata where subdir~'01-14.0' and aorname~'calsfx-1' order by aorkey,expid,dcenum" > file.lst 3.b. Generate the module file lists in IDL. mk_bat_lst,'file.lst','target.lst' 4. Generate the batch files to process spectra in the module subdirectories In IDL in SL: mk_bat_cp,'file.lst','sl.lst','runcp.bat' mk_bat_file,'sl.lst','imdiff.idl',option=31 mk_bat_file,'sl.lst','imfor.idl',option=71 mk_bat_file,'sl.lst','imclean.idl',option=27 mk_bat_file,'sl.lst','extract/runex.bat',option=44 mk_bat_file,'sl.lst','convert.idl',option=5 mk_bat_file,'sl.lst','offset.idl',option=6 mk_bat_cc,'sl.lst','cc.a1.lst' mk_bat_join,'sl.lst','join.a1.idl',option=1,/plot In IDL in LL: mk_bat_cp,'file.lst','ll.lst','runcp.bat' mk_bat_file,'ll.lst','imdiff.idl',option=30 mk_bat_file,'ll.lst','imfor.idl',option=70 mk_bat_file,'ll.lst','imdiffx.idl',option=33 mk_bat_file,'ll.lst','imclean.idl',option=27 mk_bat_file,'ll.lst','extract/runex.bat',option=44 mk_bat_file,'ll.lst','convert.idl',option=5 mk_bat_file,'ll.lst','offset.idl',option=6 mk_bat_cc,'ll.lst','cc.a1.lst' mk_bat_join,'ll.lst','join.a1.idl',option=1,/plot In IDL in SH: through Camp. 16: mk_bat_cp,'file.lst','sh.lst','runcp.bat' mk_bat_file,'sh.lst','imclean.idl',option=22 mk_bat_file,'sh.lst','extract/runex.bat',option=41 mk_bat_file,'sh.lst','convert.idl',option=5 mk_bat_file,'sh.lst','offset.idl',option=6 mk_bat_cc,'sh.lst','cc.a1.lst' mk_bat_join,'sh.lst','join.idl',option=5,/plot mk_bat_join,'sh.lst','trim.idl',option=61 Camp. 17 on: mk_bat_cp,'file.lst','sh.lst','runcp.bat' mk_bat_file,'sh.lst','imdiff.idl',option=38 mk_bat_file,'sh.lst','imfor.idl',option=78 mk_bat_file,'sh.lst','imclean.idl',option=27 mk_bat_file,'sh.lst','extract/runex.bat',option=41 mk_bat_file,'sh.lst','convert.idl',option=5 mk_bat_file,'sh.lst','offset.idl',option=6 mk_bat_cc,'sh.lst','cc.a1.lst' mk_bat_join,'sh.lst','join.idl',option=5,/plot mk_bat_join,'sh.lst','trim.idl',option=61 In IDL in LH: through Camp. 16: mk_bat_cp,'file.lst','lh.lst','runcp.bat' mk_bat_file,'lh.lst','imclean.idl',option=22 mk_bat_file,'lh.lst','extract/runex.bat',option=41 mk_bat_file,'lh.lst','convert.idl',option=5 mk_bat_file,'lh.lst','offset.idl',option=6 mk_bat_cc,'lh.lst','cc.a1.lst' mk_bat_join,'lh.lst','join.idl',option=5,/plot mk_bat_join,'lh.lst','trim.idl',option=61 Camp 17 on: mk_bat_cp,'file.lst','lh.lst','runcp.bat' mk_bat_file,'lh.lst','imdiff.idl',option=38 mk_bat_file,'lh.lst','imfor.idl',option=78 mk_bat_file,'lh.lst','imclean.idl',option=27 mk_bat_file,'lh.lst','extract/runex.bat',option=41 mk_bat_file,'lh.lst','convert.idl',option=5 mk_bat_file,'lh.lst','offset.idl',option=6 mk_bat_cc,'lh.lst','cc.a1.lst' mk_bat_join,'lh.lst','join.idl',option=5,/plot mk_bat_join,'lh.lst','trim.idl',option=61 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In lores (out of IDL): cp ../SL/sl.lst . In IDL in lores: mk_bat_join,'sl.lst','join.idl',option=2,/plot mk_bat_join,'sl.lst','clean.idl',option=3 mk_bat_join,'sl.lst','spplot.idl',option=4 5. Check and run the batch files to prepare images for extraction For campaigns 25 on, the imclean.idl file must be edited to change the version of the superrogue_M.fits file to superrogue_M_33.fits. > chmod 764 runcp.bat > runcp.bat IDL> @imdiff.idl (SL and LL, and for Camp 17 on, SH and LH) IDL> @imfor.idl (SL and LL, and for Camp 17 on, SH and LH) IDL> @imdiffx.idl (LL only) IDL> @imclean.idl In lores: > cp ../SL/sl.lst . In IDL in lores: mk_bat_join,'sl.lst','join.idl',option=2,/plot mk_bat_join,'sl.lst','clean.idl',option=35 mk_bat_join,'sl.lst','spplot.idl',option=4 Go into the extract subdirectory and ensure that the necessary calibration and namelist files are in place. The subdirectory "qa" should be present and empty. The subdirectory "cal" should contain the wavesamp file and psf_fov file. The latter is not needed in the hi-res directories. Make sure that the version numbers match those called in the namelist files: profile.nl, ridge.nl, extract.nl. If any of these files are not present, copy them from a previous campaign. 6. Run the extractions. Log onto one of the Solaris computers supporting the offline pipeline (for the moment, these are isc1-6). Source the pipeline code: > source /usr/local/pipeline/S13/env.csh Go into the extract subdirectory of each module directory and run the extractions: > chmod 764 runex.bat > runex.bat > run01.dat (or run02.dat etc. if run01.dat already exists) 7. Complete the calibration process. Move up to the module directory and put the data in the appropriate locations. IDL> convert.idl mv *.sp.fits spectra mv *.sp.tbl tables mv *.pro.tbl profiles (There's more, but we'll stop here for the moment)