The Cooper-Sloan Family Album, July to December, 2003

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July, 2003 continues

Abby's fifth birthday party

Abby and Kieren both had their birthdays on the same day, so we teamed up for a big party! We had a gift exchange so that each kid came with a present and left with one, too. The guy with the guitar is Tom Knight, a puppeteer who has quite a following among the locals.

August, and the start of school after Labor Day, 2003

Abby and Zoe at home

September and October, 2003

The Cooper Girls!
Abby plays soccer for the first time

October and Autumn, 2003

November, 2003

November was not our best month for documentation, as Greg spent half the month working in California.

December, 2003

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Last modified 10 September, 2004
© Gregory C. Sloan and Caren Cooper.