Phys104 Web Project

List of Web Projects by group  | List of group members and topic ideas
  1. Relate the physics course concepts to some technology or phenomenon of interest to the students in this class.
  2. Learn how to create and publish a website.
  3. Work cooperatively with other students to accomplish this task.
Requirements: Topic Selection:
For each Web Project, three (3) possible topics must be submitted by the group (or individual if working alone), ranked in order of preference.  Your instructor will provide feedback on the appropriateness of each topic, and the group will then decide which topic to research and publish.  Once a topic has been claimed and posted on the Web Project list, no other group can use this same topic.
Web projects will be evaluated by your peers and instructor according to the review guidelines.  

The websites will be primarily assessed by the quality of the physics explanations.  Organization, style, and readability are lesser considerations for grading.

A = complete and accurate physics explanations, good organization, style, and readability
B = mostly complete and accurate explanations, good readability
C = many incorrect or incomplete physics explanations or poor readability
F = no project submitted

To help promote proper group cooperation, each student will evaluate the contribution of each member of their group.  This contribution factor will be multiplied by the final score on the website, so that each student will be rewarded according to the work he or she contributes to the project.  If each member contributes equally, the individual contribution factor should be 1 or 100%, a member who contributes half as much as others should receive a factor of 0.5 or 50%, and a member who does not participate at all gets a zero.

Web Resources:
Web Projects from Physics24 students
Creating a web page at UNC-CH
How Stuff Works